Location: Orlando, FL
Weather: As sunny as always
Mood: Confused
I seriously don't know what to wear. Right this instant I haven't even picked out anything yet, and I have to before I post this, and I have to post this soon because we're going to have breakfast at IHOP!!! What is it about pancakes that make them so incredibly irresistible? They're so soft and spongy and yummyyyy.... mmm... Today I'm totally giving in on the indulgence... Lots of maple syrup and cream and blueberry sauce... I can't wait!!! And ok, so technically, TECHNICALLY we already went this trip... The day we went to Universal, but that's really beside the point. The point is, WE'RE GOING TODAY TOO! That being said, I need lose-ish clothes in order to fit in all the pancakes without my buttons popping out... What to wear, what to wear? I'm not even sure what we're doing after... We could always go to Hollywood Studios again and watch the Beauty and the Beast show and ride 1000 times more on the Hollywood Tower of Terror muahahahaha.... But then, that's about all there is to do there. Or we could go to Magic Kingdom and spend the day "warm in the sun" with Donald and the princesses and Space Mountain and.... OR we could finish Universal Studios and ride on the Harry Potter ride again (which I love btw) and on the Popeye water rides, and Hulk and Dr. Dooms fear fall, which is almost as exciting as the tower of terror except they shoot ou upwards really unexpectedly and you blast into the sky and it's really fun, but then there's no spooky haunted hotel mood, and it's out in the daylight and not in the dark (which of course is much scarier, the dark I mean, don't get confused) and Dr. Doom doesn't have a ghost story to it and... mah... So it’s not nearly as cool as the HTT but you know what I mean... All in all, universal is great fun, but I'm more of a classics fan, I prefer Disney. Also, they close Universal Early so we could go to Magic Kingdom after and watch the fireworks... But then there are always the roaring crowds on the way out... I don't know where I want to go or what to wear!!!! Ugh it's so confusing... Plus today being the last day f the trip I'm kinda running out of options... So that makes it all the much harder to choose clothes. I could wear my black shorts, with a pink tank and my zebra espadrilles..? Hmmm, I like the sound of that... Let’s see... BRB. I like it. Perfect. I'm such a genius. You might think "ah, what's to it, it's just clothes..." but it is NOT... It is a very important decision influenced by my mood and the weather, of course, and what I'll be doing and a lot of other factors... which I intend to find, and that's the whole point of this blog. So yes, putting together an outfit isn't just about pulling on the first thing I see in the mornings... I can just walk out of my house looking like a crazy person (although sometimes I do...) But not today, I'm all dressed and ready to start the day. Pancakes: BRING IT ON! -Rx.
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