Location: Bogota, Colombia
Weather: Cloudy but might actually get sunnier later
Mood: Nervous
I'm in serious need of caffeine and maybe some sugar...mmm doughnuts... Focus. Sorry, I have quite a big day ahead of me today; I'm showing my car to (so far) two potential buyers today and I'm not really that great speaking to large audiences, or small ones, or anyone I don't know. I go bright red and forget what I was going to say. I'm what you would call a serious case of a stage fright sufferer - but, I have to overcome my fears and sell the car. I mean I study merchandising for crying out loud, right? I can do this... I. CAN. DO.THIS. Oh God I can't do this! Stop it. Of course I can. I'm a big, confident woman... Great, now I sound like Chandler's "quit smoking tape..." Still, never mind. It'll be fiiine. For extra confidence I'm wearing pink (remember how I once told you pink boosted my confidence? Let's just hope it works its magic today too!) Under my oversized pink tee, however, I have chosen to wear (very unusual of me) an orange tank top. The color combination goes great and "I think it gives it a little something extra, don't you think?" (I bet no one can tell me which movie that phrase came from!) Aaaanyway, pair of jeans and my b-e-a-u-tiful (another movie quote) pair of L.K. Bennett pink suede pumps to a) look older b) look taller c) look chicer d) I love them and never wear them...Then if we go out tonight for dinner, i can get warm with my brown cardigan and matching handbag and an orange pashmina so if the tank isn't visible anymore, you can still see the color combo! Ok, here goes... wish me luck, I'm going to need it! -Rx.
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