Location: Bogota, Colombia
Weather: CLoudyish
Mood: SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY (I could go on with the so's for ever, trust me)
I am, so, so, so, so, SO sorry for my absence, this last weeks have been absolutely mad... MAD I TELL YOU... My bf's sister is in the hospital, my mum broke her back (nothing terrible, don't worry, she's fine, but still), dad's out of town, everything does everything wrong! UGH. Still, nothing can ruin my day, because as you probably recall, I've been really happy and not told you why... Well, I just wanted all my friends to hear it from me first before I told the rest of you, but... I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B proposed!!!!!! I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!! I am the HAPPIEST person IN the world!!! OMG, it still hasn't quite sunk in. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sorry. I'm just really excited and I love telling people. It was like my happiest day, IN MY LIFE. I mean it was sooo perfect. Anyway, as you can imagine, I have tons to do. The big day is May 12, but you cannot imagine everything there is to do planning wise. It's crazy! Anyway, today, for example, I'm going to visit two card shops to check them out. Next week, appointment with the cake person, Saturday I'm trying out dresses (just for the fun of it, becuase actually, I already have mine all planned out) and all my friends are going and it's going to be amazing. It would be perfect it D, my bff, was here, and I'm soooooooooo sad she's not, becuase well, she's my VBFF, but she's with me in heart, and I'll just bb pictures to her and it'll be fine. Anyway, for now I need to get some food in my stomach and leave before it starts to pour down with rain. Love ya all! -Rx.