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Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22, 2011

Weather: Clouded
Friday Finally. So it's Good Friday and it feels more like a Sunday than a Friday, but still. I'm in a mood for pasta and a movie. I might change pasta for pizza and as for the movie, it'll have to wait because I seriously need to go shopping. And no, not shopping for clothes (I WISH) but for food, or I'll starve and won't be found until it's too late "three weeks later half-eaten by Alsatians." (Bridget Jones' Diary) Still, I realized I was feeling quite bold today. I know I've only been writing this blog for 4 days now, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret (if you haven't already caught on): I'm not the daring type. I prefer to stay on the safe side of things. Not just clothes, anything really. For starters I'm quite jumpy. I'll even convince myself there's a serial killer in my kitchen and won't dare go in the middle of the night wondering through my house, just in case he's waiting for me (I just now realized I think it's a man). I've watched Scream about 1000 times and even though I know exactly what's going to happen, I still hide behind a pillow (so if you want to be quite technical, I can't really say I've seen it... Although I've heard it, does that count?) This one time my best friend and I were home alone making sushi and cosmos (I was cheering her up) and she thought it would be extremely amusing to go hide and make me go looking for her in the dark. She jumped out behind a wall and even though she denies it, I'm sure she still quite hasn't forgiven me for throwing a lemon at her face. On my defense she scared the living soul out of me!! It’s called SELF DEFENSE for crying out-loud! Anyway, point is, I’m not the venturous type. So, I prefer to go with what I know, and that means, white T’s. I have tons of them, you’ll soon realize, in all shapes and sizes. Today, however, I did my little closet ritual and the result was quite astonishing: I felt like wearing yellow. And not light, chick yellow – bright, BRIGHT YELLOW!  Most people believe blondes shouldn’t wear yellow because it clashes. I however, think if combined appropriately, it can look really good. I mean no one tells brunets not to wear brown, right? SO I pulled out my yellow t-shirt from forever 21 (I mean if I bought it I should wear it at least once) and a pair of black jeggings (a new fashion breed between jeans and leggings, for those you aren’t acquainted.). However, when I put it on, I looked at myself in the mirror and it looked completely wrong – mainly because my black jeggings are far from black – they’re… well… Gray. I guess I’ve worn them too many times. But I wasn’t about to give up on my yellow top. So off come the jeggings and on comes a lovely linen black skirt I bought in London last summer. Paired it up with knee high, black suede boots and my black leather jacket (which I finally got to wear) and it was perfect. So for all you shy people out there, here’s a challenge: wear something you normally wouldn’t once in a while. You might find it really suits you! - Rx 

1 comment:

  1. you forgot to mention that you were stuck to the bathroom wall for several minutes and I could convince you I wasn't a serial killer because I could not stop laughing!! It was a GREAT night!!! miss you soooo much!!!
    And yes I agree is great to wear something "new" once in a can definitely find that it actually looks good on you!!!
    Ps: Love the shoes....again!!!
