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Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 24, 2011

Weather: Cloudy vs. Sunny
Mood: Lazy Sunday

Easter Sunday. I feel like it’s been Sunday all week. And today I’m in total bliss. Woke up late, stayed in bed all morning… Nothing to worry about but what to wear… Suddenly I looked at my watch and OMG it was nearly 12! I have a lunch appointment today and I’m supposed to be cooking, so I finally dragged myself out of bed and hit the showers. I haven’t gone to the gym all week, partly because it was nearly closing time when I dropped by on Wednesday and that really put me off, and partly because Easter’s a holiday, right? I mean you can’t work or exercise on holidays. It bad for you or something. Anyway, I turned on the TV and CNN was doing a special broadcast about Topshop’s founder Peter Robinson and how he singlehandedly founded it back in 1964. I find it fascinating how people have that drive that makes them go the extra mile and start businesses from scratch. I love how people start shops that become international retail shops so popular even British supermodels such as Kate Moss have her own clothes line there. I remember when I was in boarding school in England, I use to love to go out on the weekends and walk up and down, up and down, up and down Oxford Street over and over and I could spend hours in the Topshop just browsing around and wishing one day I could have enough money to buy all the clothes in the shop. Ok, maybe not all of them, I mean there were things I didn’t even like, but you know what I mean. I would lose track of time as I drifted happily from floor to floor surrounded by beautiful clothes and people. I remember I didn’t have much pocket money then, just enough to eat and to pay for the bus fares back to my guardian’s house when night fell, so I couldn’t really buy anything. One day, however, I walked in and my eyes met this gorgeous navy blue military jacket with aged golden buttons and it was love at first sight. I had never seen anything like it. I stood there for what seemed forever. Finally I got up the courage to look at the price tag and my happiness ended right then and there. ₤40 GBP. That was never going to happen. But the thing was, I really, REALLY wanted it. For weeks I saved every penny I could hoping no one would buy mu jacket and that I could collect enough money to but it before it was too late. Fortunately for all of you reading this, today's story has a happy ending. I walked into the shop one saturday morning, money in hand and paid for my beautiful jacket. I had never felt so happy as I grabbed that brand new, shinny carrier bag and I knew it was all mine. So this morming, after watching the CNN special, I suddenly felt back in 2001. I nearly ran to my closet, opened the doors and there it was: my beautiful navy blue jacket, just as wonderful as the day I bought it. I put it together with a white and blue t-shirt and matching shoes and… I haven’t felt so happy in a long time about clothes. There’s definitely a great pleasure in buying something you’ve worked so hard to get. It gives it an added value no one can ever take away from you. Belive me. Oh, and btw, Happy Easter everyone! – Rx.

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