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Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011

Location: Bogota, Colombia
Weather: Cloudy
Mood: confused...

Ok. I admit it. I actually planned this outfit the day I bought it... which was Wednesday.... And I bought everything in the same shop... The thig is I needed trousers, 'cos well, I need to get dresses, you know? And All I had were jeans, so mum said she'd go shopping with me and help me with my badget (she's such a sweetheart) and I bought beige pants, pink pants, black pants and a pair of jeans... Ad a pair of boots... And a brown sweater... But that's besides the point. Besides, the brown boots I needed, because I had a pair, which weren't really mine, they were a friends' and she asked for them back and I used to wear them with everything... So I might as well get my own pair, right? And yes, I know I won't be able to wear them again in God knows how long but I really, REALLY want to wear them today!! ANYWAY.... The point is, I'm wearing my beige pants with my new boots and sweater... ANd I LOOK ABSOLUTLY FAB!!! I'm so pleased with myself.... :) Anyway, I better go, I have tons of things to do and the sun's trying to shine through the stupid clouds, so I hope it succeeds... Bon weekend everyone! -Rx.  

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