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Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24, 2011

Location: Bogota, Colombia
Weather: Rainy, damn it!!! STOP RAINING!!!! I JUST WASHED MY CAR!!
Mood: IT'S FRIDAY!!!

Honestly, how am I supposed to do my regular Friday stuff in the rain? Specially when I have a new car which I totally don't want sitting out in the blistering rain! It should be clear skies up ahead. Anyway, it's still Friday, I guess, and I have my car so... I totally had to look cute today 'cos I have a new car!!!! (sorry) So, after rummanging through my wardrobe for ever this morning, and then changing a couple hundred times during the day, I've finally settled for my smartest, most wonderful jeans from Zara, white T (don't ask about the pic) and my new, totally fab pink blazer which I had totally forgotten I had! I trully believe this would look OH SOOO MUCH BETTER with my pink suede LK Bennets, but, key words in today's entry, RAIN and SUEDE, two words that DO NOT go in the same sentence. So I've resigned to my black knee high boots (sinthetic suede, it's different) and it doesn't look as pro, but whatever. It's cute enough! You know what I need? I need a new watch... Maybe I still have time to hit the shops before the evening starts... I mean I just need something light and waterproof that DOESN'T tic tic tic me crazy in the middle of the night.... Any ideas? -Rx. 

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