Location: Bogota, Colombia
Weather: Sunny but it’ll probably rain later
Mood: mah…
I don’t feel so good. I think I’m coming down with a cold, which is highly inconvenient considering I’M GOING TO DISNEY OF FRIDAY!!!! I’m so excited I woke up extra early. Well, that and the fact I couldn’t really sleep because I can’t breathe through my nose. Anyway, it’s a nice sunshiny day and I really, really hope it stays that way. Not only for my sake but for all the millions of people who are victims of the rough winter that is slowly destroying our country… last time I read the newspaper there were 3’120,300 victims, approx. So please, please don’t rain. We need sunshine in order for all the water to dry up and all the people to be able to start over. Speaking of which, if anyone wants to contribute to helping the victims of this winter disaster, there’s web page you can donate money for the cause:
If you prefer not to donate money, you can also go to the Red Cross headquarters and donate all kinds of stuff such as clothes in good state, blankets, sheets, sanitary needs (toothbrushes, soaps, etc.) You can also donate non-perishable goods such as rice, lentils, sugar, beans, salt, sugar, coffee… You know what I mean. It’s for a good cause people! I’m going to start the day by dedicating today’s outfit to the cause too! So I’m wearing my new blue top with these gorgeous yellow flats I bought in Portugal. You know, those shoes have quite a funny story behind them because we weren’t supposed to be shopping- we were sightseeing. We had spent the day at Fatima and we were looking for somewhere to eat – it was really weird because from 2:20PM ‘till around 7 no restaurant is open… So we finally arrived at this small town by the sea with the most gorgeous little streets and we found a great fish restaurant and everybody was happy. My dad was knackered, so he said he was gonna get a little shut-eye in the car for 15 minutes, so my mum and I wondered of through the small streets just browsing around… We walked into this really quaint shop, you know those that sell all kinds of stuff like postcards and souvenirs and tee shirts and… shoes? Who would have ever thought… so I walked over to the rack of shoes, just to get a better look while my mum bought souvenirs for people at home, and there they were. A pair of yellow flat shoes. The funny thing was, since it was such a small shop, they only had one pair in each size and guess what? The yellow shoes fit me like Cinderella’s glass slipper. Now, I thought, we need to find out how much they cost. This is a thing I do: when I don’t know the price to something I really like, I tell myself “I won’t buy them if they cost over something- and then I set a top price for myself depending on the object- I mean of course I’m willing to pay more for shoes than for a lousy I HEART PORTUGAL t-shirt, right? I do that too when I go shopping, I promise myself I won’t spend more than a limit amount, and I usually stay within my budget. Anyway, back to the shoes. I walked up to the till lady and asked her how much the yellow shoes were (hoping desperately she wouldn’t say 200 Euros. “Hmmm let’s see” she said. “These yello’ shoes… ten Euro’.” What? 10 EUROS FOR SHOES? So you can imagine what happened next… Anyway, to top of my outfit I’m wearing a yellow pull-over sweater from Ralph Lauren that surprisingly enough, I bought in Orlando. It’s nice and colorful (bright colors are very IN this season) and I’ll be very à-la-mode. Besides, it’s really warm and snuggly, perfect to keep safe from this cold I’m coming down with. I still have a couple of things to do but I’m going to try to stay at home and take care of myself. Last thing I need is to have a fever on the plane. Have you ever gotten on a plane when you’re not feeling well? Well, if you have, you know it ain’t pretty. Actually, I don’t like flying too much. I’m not scared it’ll fall or anything; I’ve been through some really nasty storms and I haven’t really thought I was going to die- which I didn’t- so it’s not really that. It’s more the whole sitting in a flying sausage-shaped object for hours, most of the time next to a complete stranger to whom you either have to ask permission to go to the bathroom, or who keeps asking you! Plane food is terrible, the entertainment system is… well, its ok I guess, and it’s sooo cold in there. On Friday however, none of that will matter because I’M GOING TO DISNEY!!! I’m so happy! Achuuu. God, better take a shower to see if that makes me feel any better, and then get some breakfast inside of me. I need all the strength I can get. Maybe I’ll have a bowl of frosted flakes… after all… they’re GGGGRRRRRRRRRRReat! – Rx.
If you prefer not to donate money, you can also go to the Red Cross headquarters and donate all kinds of stuff such as clothes in good state, blankets, sheets, sanitary needs (toothbrushes, soaps, etc.) You can also donate non-perishable goods such as rice, lentils, sugar, beans, salt, sugar, coffee… You know what I mean. It’s for a good cause people! I’m going to start the day by dedicating today’s outfit to the cause too! So I’m wearing my new blue top with these gorgeous yellow flats I bought in Portugal. You know, those shoes have quite a funny story behind them because we weren’t supposed to be shopping- we were sightseeing. We had spent the day at Fatima and we were looking for somewhere to eat – it was really weird because from 2:20PM ‘till around 7 no restaurant is open… So we finally arrived at this small town by the sea with the most gorgeous little streets and we found a great fish restaurant and everybody was happy. My dad was knackered, so he said he was gonna get a little shut-eye in the car for 15 minutes, so my mum and I wondered of through the small streets just browsing around… We walked into this really quaint shop, you know those that sell all kinds of stuff like postcards and souvenirs and tee shirts and… shoes? Who would have ever thought… so I walked over to the rack of shoes, just to get a better look while my mum bought souvenirs for people at home, and there they were. A pair of yellow flat shoes. The funny thing was, since it was such a small shop, they only had one pair in each size and guess what? The yellow shoes fit me like Cinderella’s glass slipper. Now, I thought, we need to find out how much they cost. This is a thing I do: when I don’t know the price to something I really like, I tell myself “I won’t buy them if they cost over something- and then I set a top price for myself depending on the object- I mean of course I’m willing to pay more for shoes than for a lousy I HEART PORTUGAL t-shirt, right? I do that too when I go shopping, I promise myself I won’t spend more than a limit amount, and I usually stay within my budget. Anyway, back to the shoes. I walked up to the till lady and asked her how much the yellow shoes were (hoping desperately she wouldn’t say 200 Euros. “Hmmm let’s see” she said. “These yello’ shoes… ten Euro’.” What? 10 EUROS FOR SHOES? So you can imagine what happened next… Anyway, to top of my outfit I’m wearing a yellow pull-over sweater from Ralph Lauren that surprisingly enough, I bought in Orlando. It’s nice and colorful (bright colors are very IN this season) and I’ll be very à-la-mode. Besides, it’s really warm and snuggly, perfect to keep safe from this cold I’m coming down with. I still have a couple of things to do but I’m going to try to stay at home and take care of myself. Last thing I need is to have a fever on the plane. Have you ever gotten on a plane when you’re not feeling well? Well, if you have, you know it ain’t pretty. Actually, I don’t like flying too much. I’m not scared it’ll fall or anything; I’ve been through some really nasty storms and I haven’t really thought I was going to die- which I didn’t- so it’s not really that. It’s more the whole sitting in a flying sausage-shaped object for hours, most of the time next to a complete stranger to whom you either have to ask permission to go to the bathroom, or who keeps asking you! Plane food is terrible, the entertainment system is… well, its ok I guess, and it’s sooo cold in there. On Friday however, none of that will matter because I’M GOING TO DISNEY!!! I’m so happy! Achuuu. God, better take a shower to see if that makes me feel any better, and then get some breakfast inside of me. I need all the strength I can get. Maybe I’ll have a bowl of frosted flakes… after all… they’re GGGGRRRRRRRRRRReat! – Rx.
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